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REPORT TvT rewards not given


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I just had an issue in the 22:00 TvT, I was in the blue team which was victorious and it so happened that I didn't get my reward. I talked to my fellow players in the chat and they told me that if I didn't get any kill I wouldn't receive the prize - I didn't believe this and I still hope that this is a bug, because it doesn't make any sense to have a TEAM battle that rewards individual action instead of collective, afterall only a handful of classes in Lineage are built to kill, most are support classes.

So I came here to ask if this is true, I still didn't get my reward which I believe is a random rune and 1FA, my ingame nick is Aaravos.

Thank you for helping me with this issue.


should it so be necessary i took screenshots showing that I participated in the event, but they are from the combat log, I didn't take any ss in the event.

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you're serious then ? you're completly ignoring every support class ? this was supposed to be a team fight, but it doesn't reward the team - this solution seems to create more problems than it solves.

isnt there a better way to do it ? just don't give the rewards to those afk - I wasn't idle! nor afk, here are the printscreens showing the combat log. I must apologize though, I was not very polite in the chat, but I beg your understading that I was quite enraged with the issue.

I want justice, my team won and I helped as much as I could, where's my reward?





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I don't have 100 accounts, you can check my IP, I've only two active accounts. It is true that the combat log doesn't show much, but you really think im lying ? Don't you see the problem in this logic ? you're not rewarding teamplay, you're rewarding kills - a person doesn't have to kill to help, even people full grade A sometimes are not lucky enough to kill someone -all due respect I dont think you ever tried a TvT with grade B, Sir - it is far from easy, and after all that fighting I get nothing ? even when my team wins... im sorry but this doesn't make any sense.

Woudln't an afk system work much better ?

I fought and won, and I can bring witness of my friends who were in the tvt with me if you so allow so they can testify that I wasnt a farming bot or anything like that, I was just playing.

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I see, it would indeed not be easy to design a way to counter this, I don't know the capabalities of Lineage's engine to be honest - it seems to be that the best possible way to do a anti-afk system would be a sort of constant verification of activity, if said player don't take any action for more than 15 seconds it would be inelegible to receive the reward, time seems to be the key, not the pvp activity, because many classes can't attack properly aswell - bishops, buffers and so on.

we should be able to think a system where the healer would also get the reward and that's why it looks as kills and damage are not a good measure of activity...

If I bring witnesses who saw me fighting in the TvT to testify would you consider giving my random rune and festival adena ? if you find it to be just, all i seek is justice.

I wouldn't come here to lie to you, why would I do such a thing? I wouldn't waste your time on it nor mine.


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