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hello everyone, I've let my opinion for the administration, your server and very nice to be playing for one month !. after spending this period becomes l2 boot everywhere, bot in Stakato, bot in pargans, bot in hot doing ques TT, all lugadares and you do nothing about it, do not tell me that is why and lie !.
 I have some opinions to your server.

1) Leave the quest pargans 1x retail, 1 server week and have people with 20 boots that site selling 100+ EWS, it fucks everything economy and server durability. Two weeks have people with DB + 10 10 AM your income goes to the pipe.

2) Looking at a two trez times your server before abrilo, every first week and sercadas by bugs and more bugs, there are people who do not like to play buggy servers, you every time waiting almost one month to repair errors, and these one month loses 500 players. EVER.

3) Place RB Barakiel pvp zone, example Wamp blazing, played several servers with this area and worked very well !.

4) the last and most important !. Do something about the BOOTS, I know that any server has paid boots and etc., you see more free boots and does nothing simply plays in jail and then the strip. Be executioner, Permanent ban !.

Read all please, if you like or not like this and my opinion to improve your server.

If you do not understand something I'm sorry



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1 минуту назад, Aldeb4ram сказал:


About chaotic zones we thinking ! But about protecting from bots and cheaters we are done! We already installed smart-guard, one of the populist and strongest protecting from bots! Thank you for report, i hope you join beta testing and check your-self!

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há 2 minutos, [adm]-dream disse:

About chaotic zones we thinking ! But about protecting from bots and cheaters we are done! We already installed smart-guard, one of the populist and strongest protecting from bots! Thank you for report, i hope you join beta testing and check your-self!

Yes I will participate, when you say date I will be on the server, more please see the question of the quest bonus Pargans EWS, this greatly impairs your server.

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9 минут назад, Aldeb4ram сказал:

Yes I will participate, when you say date I will be on the server, more please see the question of the quest bonus Pargans EWS, this greatly impairs your server.

About quest rates, we are checking all quests right now on rates! Check and testing! 
You can register your account for participate in beta testing right now in this topic


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Ой как он хорошо 4 пункт подметил) будьте строже к ботам не надо с ними по 300 раз беседовать слушать их отговорки и бросать ток в тюрьму...сразу Бан боту...пусть другова качает если не боится и на основу словить Бан, тогда буду боятся! подумайте над етим

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5 часов назад, KingOlder сказал:

Ой как он хорошо 4 пункт подметил) будьте строже к ботам не надо с ними по 300 раз беседовать слушать их отговорки и бросать ток в тюрьму...сразу Бан боту...пусть другова качает если не боится и на основу словить Бан, тогда буду боятся! подумайте над етим


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