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Raid boss please analyze !!!


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Did the normal kill raid bosses gain any status bonuses? the bosses are so weak 

I'll give an example

kernon dies in less than 30 seconds a person alone, that doesn't even give time for a small pvp per boss

server and focused on pvp, so there needs to be a sense of pvp even in boss kills, right? but it's so fast that there's no time to even try pvp

As at 500x the items are stronger I suggest you make the bosses stronger, so there is time to have a pvp to steal or at least have a 2 minute pvp per fight, and not killing the boss in 20 seconds and not having pvp, and only whoever gets it first and that's the end of the matter, that's so boring

There are even epic boss that have no damage, what do you mean? bp and useless?

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12 часов назад, SouVelhoDemais сказал:

Did the normal kill raid bosses gain any status bonuses? the bosses are so weak 

I'll give an example

kernon dies in less than 30 seconds a person alone, that doesn't even give time for a small pvp per boss

server and focused on pvp, so there needs to be a sense of pvp even in boss kills, right? but it's so fast that there's no time to even try pvp

As at 500x the items are stronger I suggest you make the bosses stronger, so there is time to have a pvp to steal or at least have a 2 minute pvp per fight, and not killing the boss in 20 seconds and not having pvp, and only whoever gets it first and that's the end of the matter, that's so boring

There are even epic boss that have no damage, what do you mean? bp and useless?

You are right, at x500 server raid and epic bosses should be much more stronger than x50, this is a good idea.
We will implement it in future.

image.png.eaf032cdd89371d1d757d3f331cff17d.png dream_derp

Telegram-icon.png  @dream_derp



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