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 I understand that the server is focused on pvp SERVER 500X

it would be much cooler if Aq was lvl 40, and everyone was full C-grade +16/Weapon+18, Zaken only A-grade full A+16

Orfen/core Full B+16

It would be more fun, and the PvP would be more varied equals 50x pvp

It doesn't have to be like another thousand pvp servers 1200x as all epic are level 80

let's renew to attract new players, and not just those old ones who only know how to complain about everything!!!



Edited by SouVelhoDemais
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  • SouVelhoDemais changed the title to AQ/ZAKEN/ORFEN/CORE UPTADE server 500x
2 hours ago, SouVelhoDemais said:


I understand that the server is focused on pvp.

it would be much cooler if Aq was lvl 40, and everyone was full C-grade +16/Weapon+18, Zaken only A-grade full A+16

Orfen/core Full B+16

It would be more fun, and the PvP would be more varied equals 50x pvp

It doesn't have to be like another thousand pvp servers 1200x as all epic are level 80

let's renew to attract new players, and not just those old ones who only know how to complain about everything!!!



you mean, you suggesting to set original level for epic on x500 server?

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5 minutos atrás, [adm]-dream disse:

you mean, you suggesting to set original level for epic on x500 server?

an example zaken A-grade, let's all farm our tm and ipos or miracles, for an old style pvp ,this is really cool, because now everyone is lvl 80 and always the same thing, it gets boring and people go to other servers, At the very least, this will give PvP a refresh sometimes to get out of the routine

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