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Описание на РУССКОМ Russia-Flag-icon.png.e53239cba27ac417a741f4b5f32f1132.png - LINK

Time zone UTC +3
Long-term gameplay with carefully crafted content (No Wipes)
International community from all over the world - America, Asia and Europe
Game for solo players (Many events, missions, achievements, bonuses, rewards, farm without PvP zones)
Game for clans (bonuses - clan level and reputation, no penalties, PvP zones on Epic and custom Bosses)
A special version of the game client based on Lineage 2 Classic - a more optimized game engine (automatic FPS recovery), the absence of many annoying critical errors, a more modern interface and additional content in the form of mounts, agathions, cloaks, achievement systems & etc.

Exp: x50
Sp: x50
Adena: x10
Drop: x20
Spoil: x8 with Massive sweep [NEW]
Seal stones: x3
Quest items: x1-x5 Increased drop rate for popular quests
Premium Account: Increases base rates by 100%. Attention! Premium account is active for all account characters!
Rune: Increases base rates by 50%. Attention! The rune is active for only one character!
Rune + Premium Account: Increases base rates by 150%. Attention! Rune & Premium Account does not apply to drop from Epic & Raid Bosses, quest items!

Number of buff slots: 32+4 [NEW]
Ignore buff slots: Noblesse, battle\spell forces, bubbles, Heart of Pa'agrio, active LS [NEW]
Buffs time: 2h
Skills: Auto-learning
Unstuck: 15 seconds
Flames of Invincibility (FoE): Works like on Gracia Final chronicles (effect disappears on any attack)
Canceling skill: Canceled buffs do not returns, chance 35%
Mana Burn and Mana Storm: Critical chance 30%
Festive Sweeper: Massive sweep [NEW]

Mana Potions: +500 mana, reuse time 2s
Shadow Tokens: Exchange for shadow weapons, reward from 1st, 2nd & 3rd profession
Festival Adena (FA): Exchange in shop, reward for events, siege, missions, bonuses
Coin of Luck (COL): Donate coin
Top Coin: Exchange in shop, reward for voting every 12-24 hours by using voice command .vote
Vote Buff Coin: Exchange for 3 hours free premium buff, cost 1 Top Coin
Champion Coin: Single premium buff
Premium Token: Giving premium for voting [NEW]
Rune (Premium, EXP/SP, Aden, Drop, Spoil): Increases base rates by 50%, reward for events, missions, bonuses
Ring of Core: Gives additional bonus +8% M. attack & +3% P. defense 
Earring of Orfen: Gives additional bonus +4% P. attack & +3% M. defense

Every new character: Receive TOP NG weapon and armor, 50,000 adena, Scrolls of Escape, 10 Mana Potions and 10 Greater Healing Potions
Dualbox: Maximum 3 windows [NEW]
Offline Trade: Just start Private Store and close game client
Weight: Weight penalty are disabled. Maximum count items in the inventory increased to 200

1st class: FREE & GIFT + 10 shadows tokens + 20 Mana Potions
2nd class: FREE & GIFT + 20 shadows tokens + 50 Mana Potions
3rd class: Costs 50,000,000 adena & GIFT + 40 shadows tokens + image.png 1 Secret Book of Giant
Subclass: Without quest - Maximum 10 subclasses
Subclass: Can use subclass from 40 level
Subclass: Can use any subclass on any class
Nobless: image.png Lunargent & image.png Hellfire Oil available in Shop & added alternative way to make end of "noblesse quest", you need attack Flame of Splendor Barakiel to get the Staff of Goddess Rain Song fragment10 fragments are automatically exchanged for a quest item "Staff of Goddess Rain Song" which is needed to complete the quest (can only get one fragment from one Raid Boss) [NEW]

DeathMatch (DM): Time 03:00 & 13:00 & 21:00, rewards - Rune's, FA and potions for every kill
Team VS Team (TvT): Time 04:00 & 14:00 & 22:00, rewards - Rune's, FA and potions for every kill
Capture The Flag (CTF): Time 05:00 & 15:00 & 23:00, rewards - Rune's, FA and potions for every kill
Last Hero (LH): Time 12:00 & 00:00, rewards - Hero 24h & Noblesse, COL, Rune and FA & potions for every kill
Daily Bonuses: Starting from the first day of the month, rewards - Rune's, FA, accessories, Scrolls, Life stones, potions & other
Missions: More than 50 missions, achievements for participating in the Olympics, PvP and PvE, farming monsters, Raid and Epic Bosses and much more, rewards - Rune's, FA, accessories, Scrolls, books, Lifestones, potions & other
Drop event - L2Day: The promotion is valid for one month, rewards - FA, accessories, Blessed Scrolls of Enchant, Life stones, potions & other
Drop event - Medal: The promotion is valid for one month, rewards - accessories & potions
Drop event - Squash: The promotion is valid for one month, rewards - FA, accessories, Scrolls, Life stones, potions & other
Drop event - Christmas: The promotion is valid from 10 December until the 10 of January, rewards - accessories
Drop event - Valentine Day: The promotion is valid from 1st February until the 28 February, rewards - accessories
Drop event - Flower: The promotion is valid from 2nd March until the 22 of March, rewards - accessories
Drop event - Egg: The promotion is valid from 1st April until the 1st of May, rewards - accessories
Drop event - Halloween: The promotion is valid from 20 October until the 10 of November, rewards - accessories

Period: Every Saturday, from 20:00 to 22:00
Innadril / Goddard / Rune / Schuttgart: Siege every 2 weeks
Gludio / Dion / Giran / Oren / Aden: Siege every 2 weeks
Rewards: Аfter every siege, owner of castle gets FA and wyvern

Period: 1 week, start every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 18:00 to 00:00 [NEW]
Maximum grade of enchant: +6
Registration: Allowed non-class and class mode [NEW]
Status: Each participant must have a noblesse status
Minimum number of players to Non-class battles: 5
Minimum number of players to Class-based battles: 10 [NEW]
Limit of Combats: Unlimited (until the end of points)
Start buff's: Custom
Arenas: Custom
Rewards: Blessed Scrolls of Enchant, Books & other for gate pass and missions [NEW]

Quest Period: Available anytime, every day
Mammon Section in the Shop: available anytime, every day
1st Mammon: Possible to exchange A grade equipment from 7 March 18:00
2nd Mammon: Possible to exchange A and S grade equipment from 14 March 18:00

Tyrannosaur Life stone drop: 50%
Champions: Champion Coin 100%

From +0 to +3: 100%
Normal Scroll of Enchant from +3 to +16: 55%
Blessed Scroll of Enchant from +3 to +16: 60%
Weapon & Armor maximum enchant: +16

Buffer: All buffs, including pet buffs, resistances and more. Duration 2 hours
Shop: Up to B grade armors, jewels and weapons, exchange of fangs for resources, AA for stones and other functions, misc items and more
Shop - Event section: Blessed scrolls of enchant, books, life stones, soul crystals, accessories and more
Shop - Top Coin section (coin for voting): Accessories, Premium buff for 3h, Rune's for 6h, FA and more
Shop - Donate section: Accessories - hats from 5 COLs and suite, agathion, cloak, mount from 25 COLs - tittle and name color from 5 COLs, Premium Account and Prime Subscribtion from 3 COLs
Shop - Services: Warehouse, dyes, augmentation, sells and more
Shop - Mammon: Available from Friday 18:00 to Monday 18:00
Market: Live market, private store, including off-trade, convenient use with filters
Global Gatekeeper (GK): Teleport to Towns, Catacombs, Necropolis, Dream Boss, Primeval Area
Global Gatekeeper (GK) - Services: Monitoring mode for FREE
Class Master: 1st, 2nd 3rd Profession, Subclass, Delevel costs 50,000 adena per level

Number of players in one clan: 120
Number of clans in the alliance: Without limits [NEW]
Clan penalties: Disabled
Number of players in one party: 9
Maximal limits from clan and alliance on Epic zones: Without limits [NEW]

Respawn times
Common Raids: 12h + 30m random
Barakiel: 5h + 15m random
Varka / Ketra: 8h + 30m random
High Priest Van Halter / Uruka / Lord of Splendor Anays: 6h + 30m random

Fixed respawn time
Dream Boss: 22:00* (resp. 1 day) [NEW]

Respawn times
Valakas (lvl 85): 11 days + 1h random, entry time 30m, time for kill 2h
Antharas (lvl 80): 8 days + 1h random, entry time 30m, time for kill 2h
Baium (lvl 80): 5 days + 2h random, time for kill 2h
Zaken (lvl 60): 2 days + 1h random (maximum entry level to the zone 68) [NEW]
Core / Orfen (lvl 50): 36h + 30m random (maximum entry level to the zone 58)
Queen Ant (lvl 40): 1 day + 1h random (maximum entry level to the zone 46)
Frintezza (lvl 85): 2 days + 1h random, time for kill 2h, CC rules: minimum 3 party's, minimum 2 players in party

Fixed respawn times (First month) [NEW]
Frintezza (lvl 85): 23:00 - 00:00* (resp. 2 days) time for kill 2h, CC rules: minimum 3 party's, minimum 2 players in party, minimum player level 76

Offline trade zones: Town of Giran, Goddard, Aden, Rune & Giran Harbor
PvP Zones: Queen Ant, Frintezza, Valakas, Core, Orfen, Dream Boss, High Priest Van Halter, Uruka, Lord of Splendor Anays, Imperial Tomb, Primeval Isle [NEW]

It is possible to use an active and passive skill (the effect does not disappear after removing the weapon)
It is possible to use high level skills on C, B, A weapons [NEW]
Augmented weapons are tradeable
Duration of buffs from augmentation skills: 20 minutes, at the Olympiad - 2 minutes
Chance to get a skill with Life stones: image.png Top - 12%, image.png High - 4%, image.png Mid - 3%, image.png Simple - 1%

Item Skill: Wild Magic - Passive (Level 10) - 50% to the chance of a magical critical hit
Item Skill: Wild Magic - Active (Level 10) - 100% to the chance of a magical critical hit
Item Skill: Empower - Passive (Level 10) - 10% to PvP and PvE mage attack [NEW]
Item Skill: Empower - Active (Level 10) - 10% to PvP and PvE mage attack [NEW]
Item Skill: Duel Might - Passive (Level 10) - 19% to the P. attack in PvP
Item Skill: Duel Might - Active (Level 10) - 10% to the P. attack in PvP
Item Skill: Might - Passive (Level 10) - 10% to the P. attack
Item Skill: Might - Active (Level 10) - 10% to the P. attack
Item Skill: Shield - Passive (Level 10) - 10% to the P. defense
Item Skill: Shield - Active (Level 10) - 10% to the P. defense
Item Skill: Magic Barrier - Passive (Level 10) - 10% to the M. defense
Item Skill: Magic Barrier - Active (Level 10) - 20% to the M. defense
Item Skill: Prayer - Passive (Level 10) - 19% to the heal effect
Item Skill: Prayer - Active (Level 10) - 10% to the heal effect

.menu: Various settings, similar to the "Cabinet" section in Alt+B
.acp: ACP function settings
.lock: Additional character protection with a PIN code
.whoami: Detailed characteristics of the character
.vote: Menu for voting for the server
.epic: Information about the revival of Epic Bosses
.promo: Activation of promotional codes issued for participation in promotions and events
.classmaster: Service of Professions, Subclasses & Delevel
.relog: Fast re-log
.time: server time
.dmjoin: Registration for the Death Mach event
.lhjoin: Registration for the Last Hero event
.ctfjoin: Registration for the Capture the Flag event
.tvtjoin: Registration for the Team vs Team event
.leave: Leave an event before it ends. (In this case the reward not be issued)

Alt+Click on any buff: Removes it
Shift+Click on any buff: Visually moves it to the list of debuffs

Home: Schedule of events, basic information
Cabinet: Various settings, as well as information about the character’s current ratings, taking into account the premium account and runes
Shop: Store and services, analogous to the “Services” section of the NPC “Shop”
Bosses: Information about the respawn time of RB and Epik bosses
Events & Bonuses: Schedule of DM, LH, CTF and TVT events, section with clan bonuses
Market: Auction similar to NPC "Market"
Knowledge Base: Knowledge Base about the game. (In developing)
Ratings: Various statistics, sieges schedule

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Прочитал о эвентах и получил эрекцию 😂. Добавьте со старта л2дейт, фармить будет намного интереснее , это добавляет интерес к игре.

Пс . Линк на ру описание не работает .

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On 2/21/2025 at 3:42 PM, Jusik said:

Прочитал о эвентах и получил эрекцию 😂. Добавьте со старта л2дейт, фармить будет намного интереснее , это добавляет интерес к игре.

Пс . Линк на ру описание не работает .

поправили! к стадиям л2дей не подходит, на третью неделю запустится!

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19.02.2025 в 20:51, [adm]-dream сказал:


Item Skill: Empower - Passive (Level 10) - 10% to PvP and PvE mage attack [NEW]
Item Skill: Empower - Active (Level 10) - 10% to PvP and PvE mage attack [NEW]

это тильт нереальный, сделайте эмпавер толковым лсом

Все остальное, мое почтение и уважение
Всем хорошего старта 

Нас в тсе 68, а они сейчас сделают 69.

4 утра, а у меня КЛ долбоеб. (с)



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2 hours ago, Unbelievable said:

это тильт нереальный, сделайте эмпавер толковым лсом

Все остальное, мое почтение и уважение
Всем хорошего старта 

на сколько талковым? 

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29 минут назад, [adm]-dream сказал:

на сколько талковым? 

чтобы он был юзфул на маге, а не мусором )

Нас в тсе 68, а они сейчас сделают 69.

4 утра, а у меня КЛ долбоеб. (с)



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2 часа назад, [adm]-dream сказал:

на сколько талковым? 

Емп дает обычно 30-40% м атаки, как обычный баф емпавер

Еще откорректируйте фокус актив и пасив, они тоже бесполезные, они дают % от базового стата а это 10-20  крита, в то время как можн опоймать из обычных статов 32 +17 крита и того 49 к шансу, обычно на всех серверах фокус актив и пасив дают +50-80 к шансу крита в не зависимости от базового шанса.

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17 hours ago, Unbelievable said:

чтобы он был юзфул на маге, а не мусором )

сказали бы точные характеристики.


15 hours ago, Seven said:


Емп дает обычно 30-40% м атаки, как обычный баф емпавер

Еще откорректируйте фокус актив и пасив, они тоже бесполезные, они дают % от базового стата а это 10-20  крита, в то время как можн опоймать из обычных статов 32 +17 крита и того 49 к шансу, обычно на всех серверах фокус актив и пасив дают +50-80 к шансу крита в не зависимости от базового шанса.

нужно глянуть что другие базы показывают.

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5 часов назад, [adm]-dream сказал:

сказали бы точные характеристики.

по илу 40-50% - это прямо топ, 30-40 норм, все шо ниже 30 мусор
У вас два вместе дадут 20 и хуй знает еще как оно друг от друга считаться будет)

Edited by Unbelievable

Нас в тсе 68, а они сейчас сделают 69.

4 утра, а у меня КЛ долбоеб. (с)



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Думаю, шо актив 35, пасив 20-25 было бы адекватными цифрами, что дало хотя бы какой-то профит магу без вма в целом, на х1200, конечно, пришлось бы рескейлить чуть-чуть, хотя тут хз, я уже не експерт в подсчетах, но при таких процентах, думаю даже некры на олимп вм будут бафать, а не эмп xd

Нас в тсе 68, а они сейчас сделают 69.

4 утра, а у меня КЛ долбоеб. (с)



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27.02.2025 в 05:07, [adm]-dream сказал:

в день старта будет опубликована информация о первых эпиков и олимпа!

не написано во сколько первый коре ресается

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1 час назад, SANTAA сказал:

не написано во сколько первый коре ресается

Информация о первых респаунах в этой теме.


image.png.eaf032cdd89371d1d757d3f331cff17d.png dream_derp

Telegram-icon.png  @dream_derp



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