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DMF Clan


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Because if a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is priceless..



Clan status: 4 CPs,currently recruiting,we have already been there done that,

most of you have seen DMF on epics,as a CP tho,now we are looking forward to create a side on our own.


Recruitment: full parties (CPs) able to play mage AND cc (wl,ol)


- TS3,Raidcall (microphone is a must)

- Knowledge of game mechanics(a video helps a lot,if you havent,you prove yourself on the fight).Ability to follow the orders of your party leader and clan leader.

- Online for epics (because if you dont fight on epics,why are you playing this game?)

- EU/GR if you cant speak english,you shouldnt play this game(and you cant read that)

Goals and benefits:

- Good enviroment,teamspirit,passionate players and 

- Proper leadership from people who play and know this game.(you can check our videos)

- Fair share of drops

- Epics,you prove yourself on the fights?you are getting your job done?you are awarded for that.

- No zergs,no cyka,no kurwa.We want to stand our ground,EU based group,also recruitments will not be available forever,

when we reach our numbers(probably 2 more cps) then we are done,no huge chaotic groups here.


For info

Skype: DreamerDMF

Facebook page(message): https://www.facebook.com/DMFfam/

or simply pm ingame "Dreamer (mostly at nights)


Edited by DMForDEAD
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As leader of DMF I want to inform everyone who would later try to enter our clan, as well as for those who have already joined, a few points:

 1) The entire epic, which was farmed by clan,its considered "clan item"

2) Epic not issued any -What specific person at all times, and may at any time be removed and given to another character in the use, by the decision of the leader of the clan

 3) If a person who is on the clan epic, decided to (or choose) to leave the clan (no matter at what the reason or reasons), the entire CLAN epic, he is obliged to return (to throw at cwh, give into the hands of leader).In confirmation of my words, the following will consent DMF clan are totally in agreement with these rules, and ask ADMINISTRATION PROJECT, help them compliance. 

Edited by DMForDEAD
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