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boss like qa/zaken will be boosted to lvl 80 like other (Ex: L2mid,cleaver and e-global) with chaotic zone?
probably will be rly good if u make it, we are in 2015.

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I don't care about this shitty servers! All epic bosses stay without changing about level and zones!

really? i only mentioned this server that was really good.
i don't talk about changing zone, i try mean if they will be chaotic zone and will be boosted. 

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кстати неплохая идея поднять лвл эпика, но решать тебе)

мы уже предлогали это но админ сразу ответил что нет, делаем твинков =)

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мы уже предлогали это но админ сразу ответил что нет, делаем твинков =)

plz english.

PS: think about it, many clans will like it noone want make 2/3 acc to kill boss like QA zaken !

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мы уже предлогали это но админ сразу ответил что нет, делаем твинков =)

ну значит по старинке ))

plz english.

PS: think about it, many clans will like it noone want make 2/3 acc to kill boss like QA zaken !

He said that talking about this idea of admin. admin said that everything will remain as it was

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