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guys i have one Question, why daggers are such weak class in this server, it seems that the only class is mage and archers, and mages are way way way OP, the critical rate its no problem even when it high than normal, but the critical damage its insane is like a 1000% dmg when it lands, well i can live with that at least of the dagger were functional, switch and trick are useless skills in this server, it nearly a 100% skill success, cause u can target the other char instantly is not like a fear or anchor, is there any way that u fix the dagger, or is this server doomed to only see 1 or 2 classes ? dont u see the lack of daggers in the whole server

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MY MAN!!!! Daggers are useless on this server!

Админ, прошу почени хотя бы трик/свитч что бы он хоть как-то работал, не смотря на то что дагер по чистому ДК сету, в спину бьёт 1.4к критом, и за 2-3 блаффа в подряд даже нельзя убить мага, то хотя бы сделайте так что бы трик свитч проходил как ваш фир/сало и анкор, или даже если не трик свитч, то поднимити хотя бы ДПС дагерам. Я в первые тут играю, и в первые вижу такой дмаг у дагером и полностью не рабочий трик/свитч. Весь север - ЛУКИ / МАГИ, но хоть какое-то разнообразие должно же быть, ребята?! 

Починити пожалуйстя, хоть немного! Влил в своего дагера хренову тучу денег, а бью по 1к по дк сетам, ну это же вообще уже не смешно..

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On 10/5/2017 at 6:41 PM, Aioros said:

guys i have one Question, why daggers are such weak class in this server, it seems that the only class is mage and archers, and mages are way way way OP, the critical rate its no problem even when it high than normal, but the critical damage its insane is like a 1000% dmg when it lands, well i can live with that at least of the dagger were functional, switch and trick are useless skills in this server, it nearly a 100% skill success, cause u can target the other char instantly is not like a fear or anchor, is there any way that u fix the dagger, or is this server doomed to only see 1 or 2 classes? dont u see the lack of daggers in the whole server

i reported twitch and said that is almost 100 % normally but he was saying that it works here and the chance is not 100 %. The thing is the chance is like 1%.Also the damage , is like so nerfed . 1k backstab to archer with ic , even to to bishops the damage is so low . Daggers need rework here

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at least increase the success rate of switch and trick, its useless right now, there is more chanse to land and anchor (BTW anchor is 1 of 1 -.-), plz take a look on those skills its almost 2 weeks and there i no changes on daggers

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one week since u guys said u were going to test and fix the dagger, but nothing happen yet, is there any chance of improve the dagger, or should i start thinking in other class/server ??

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There is yet another bug i've noticed.. Skill dash decreases evasion.. That's definitely not what it's supposed to do. This should be easy to fix.

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12 hours ago, Nasiferus said:

for me daggers are ok, have good damage

bluff working, mirage too, what more need? 

yes those skillls are good, but  the threat its about switch and trick, those skills never lands, and imo are very important, and you know in a high rate server daggers are not the best option cause OE weap doesnt affect dmg, and those skills can help the survivor

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dude is a server with no daggers u can imagine why, try the swtich and trick in pvp and tell me again that daggers a just ok 

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20 hours ago, Nasiferus said:

man daggers are ok, no need changs..

It is a very hard statement and it is wrong in more ways than you think. First - dagger damage is cut down by about 25%  at first I thought they left out ss amplifier but after checking it out it seems to work, yet by original dmg formula resulting dmg seems to be toned down by 1 quarter  as I mentioned before. Second - Leathal is working not like it suppose to work you get leathal strike message bot it only does skill dmg not what leathat strike suppose to do - a- mob hp ny 50 % PC cp to 1 ; b - mob hp to 1, PC hp and cp to 1.  Switch and Trick has a fixed 70% land rate period it is only affected by mental shield buff and epics with buff mental shield lvl3 its less than 30% land rate. 

Bluff is a debuff of 3 components 1 drop target, 2 stun, 3 show back - 1 part is influenced by men and mdef. 2 is influenced by con and has a 10% less  land rate than stun shot; 3 part is unknown but I'm pretty sure it acts the same as other kind of debuffs and anything that gives resists for abnormal state works.

Going even more deeper acrobatic move does not work thats -  6 evasion. On official server there was a type of players who did evasion tanks and it worked on mobs ok mis miss miss and so on but mobs doesnt miss here :) 

Dont get me wrong I hate dagers I rarely play one and I dont mind if they delete this class but having mages and archers server only is boring.  

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What about the blow landing rates? They are kinda low,I keep spamming attacks for 0 damage as Adventurer. Also, can you check the skill Focus Chance? Its suposed to increase blow landing rates, but it does nothing. 

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On 23. 5. 2017 at 6:21 PM, dream_neo said:

need some tests

was changed chance this skills:




pls write here your opinion about changes

Well, it is surely better. Bluff lands, sometimes even trick, but Im not so sure about switch

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I did some testing of switch/trick today. Tested on a full buffed character.

Out of 30 "Switches" 4 were successful  (13,3% chance)


Out of 30 "Tricks" only 1 was successful (3,3% chance)


Then i tested it on a character without buffs, it was significally better but that's irrelevant because last time i checked noone goes out without buffs :) 


So it means that you can't rely on these important skills and it's lost time during fight if you use it. The chance should be atleast 33% or more to make it a little useful.


Check it please once more ;)





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3 minutes ago, archyus said:

So it means that you can't rely on these important skills and it's lost time during fight if you use it. The chance should be atleast 33% or more to make it a little useful.

It should be 30-33% land rate on full buffed char. 

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Даш багнутый, при юзе даша он убовляет уворот!! в первые такое вижу, он на оборот должен добавлять при беге уоворот а он его режит. 

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On 5. 6. 2017 at 11:25 PM, Nasiferus said:

I check dagger and for me its okey guys...

Good dagger with +++ enchants, can kill any class!

Skills 100% working

Hmm. You can kill any class only if your bluff lands, and thats just pure luck. Without trick/switch  you cant speak about skill with dagger.. You just hope the bluff lands and u spam 3 skills in enemy face which is not effective at all.

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15 часов назад, archyus сказал:

Hmm. You can kill any class only if your bluff lands, and thats just pure luck. Without trick/switch  you cant speak about skill with dagger.. You just hope the bluff lands and u spam 3 skills in enemy face which is not effective at all.

TRUE!!! daggers usless now, only hope of bluff. 

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