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Cardinal LF English clan


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Like the topic title says

I am a Cardinal main char looking for clan

I am from Portugal, my hour is GMT+0, so I am looking mainly for European clans!

I've been playing L2 for 6/7 years, although I took a break for 2 years now (since I started colege)

I am a good listener I know about tactics in this game.

I've still didnt made any system download bcoz I am checking if there is any clan able to invite me to play, if you have any clan and you would like me to be a part of it, feel free to send me a private message


With no more to say, GG pepz

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mekie tenazinha. sou tuga tambem e estou a recrutar tanto brs como pessoal que fale ingles. ainda andas pelo server? qualquer coisa pm ZePikeno

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