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REPORT Legacy of Insolence


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The one of very few quests which was so accurate on every dream version and you've made it much worse than on official servers. Tell me, why? Because guy who never played on this server reported it? It was probably the only quest which was worth to make cuz it was saving you time from fighting on VoS among 1000 noobs who were wasting their time. Toi was perfect for pvp 9v9 on early stages of the server. Now it will be totally empty place. 2 hours of farm and 0 recipes makes it much slower farm than on official servers. Dunno if I should tell congrats or fail.

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3 минуты назад, [GM]Dream сказал:

drop x6

он же жалуется что у него 0 рецептов за 2 часа, это от реварда зависит, или я в инглиш не умею?

ecf630aee0b8.png goodfun - old community since 2010 ?

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