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QUESTION Sub/Nobless?


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2 часа назад, Fakercho сказал:

Is subclass going to be free again?

Will you put Hellfire oil and Lunargents in shop again?

Yes, a sub class can be taken for free when you reach 75 level,

for nobless quest u can buy oil and lunargents.


image.png.eaf032cdd89371d1d757d3f331cff17d.png dream_derp

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1 hour ago, dream_Derp said:

Yes, a sub class can be taken for free when you reach 75 level,

for nobless quest u can buy oil and lunargents.


no idea what others think but.. dont you think you should increase price? or make sub with 3 scepters+adena? i don't see a reason why would subclass be free on an interlude server when first days pvp is always on subclass bosses

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i agree with @Fakercho..If the whole quest is not added at least make it so when someone reaches lvl 75 he will need the scepters and some adena for sub..It shouldnt be free in a server like this i think..

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уф как же заибали нуфаги которые лезут со своей шляпой с других серверов, пошли нахуй буржуи!! (не баньте плиз) (лучше лайкните)

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