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RECRUIT / НАБОР hello GL for all!! We'll be there!! 02/10/21


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ATG Family Clan recruit active greek people ??

Ally : ----------- ?

Here is the info ⬇️

Communication Program : discord ATG ?
Discord name : Feelmystyle#9243 ?
Character name : Feelmystyl3 ?

Youtube/c/AmongTheGods ?️

We are concerned recruit active / ol/wl/tanks and CP;s.We assure you that the clan has very good friendly environment.We are helping as much as we can and we are all having fun together as friends and family members as the name of the clan  says so those who wish to join us can contact me ingame or here or discord.

We will are wating ya .to join our family and have fun together ✌️

 With LOVE from all <AmongTheGods> ♥️


We will are wating ya .to join our family and have fun together 

 with LOVE from all <AmongTheGods>

Edited by Feelmystyl3
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