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about new server at may 29th


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44 minutes ago, malekas said:

hi just wondering at 29 may you open a new server. that server will also wiped in augusti or this server will continue and merge with the new ?

Hi! start which will be in may 29, that start mean new season, that start will be for 7+ years without wipes.

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Ребята по новом клиенте классике

Подскажите рейты так и останутся х50?

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Hi. Just to make things very clear to everyone. Will the Main Server get wiped? Or will you create another fresh new server x50 on the same client?

Edited by Shiroh0ge
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6 hours ago, Shiroh0ge said:

Hi. Just to make things very clear to everyone. Will the Main Server get wiped? Or will you create another fresh new server x50 on the same client?

yes, the main server will be wiped in august! 

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Hi. Thank you for your response. First of all. I want to say its very unfair for those people who recently joined the New server x50 which only lasted only over a MONTH? 

I'm sure people like me have  DONATED  alot of COINS and have INVESTED alot for weapons/armors/ Jewelry Etc.

People like me who only just joined the New server x50  before the merge should be at least be REFUNDED/COMPENSATED back the coin of lucks we donated compared to those who were on Main server playing for years.  

I DONATED so much on the NEW SERVER 


It feels like you took all my money and dont respect people who donate to help you maintain this server. We are your biggest investment.

I'm not only speaking for my self but on behalf of others too.

I look forward to your response. Thank you very much.

Edited by Shiroh0ge
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I understand that. but im talking about for those people who recently joined the new server and donated alot of coins for items.

cant we at least get refunded back what we paid for?

Is it fair for someone to start fresh and donate lots of money and then after a month you decide the server should be wiped?

you lose everything you paid for???

shouldnt we get compensated for it?

you should have mentioned this at the begining on HOW LONG THIS SERVER WILL LAST. just so i know if its worth donating because i just wasted money.

these were your words "you have not lost anything. You have all your items". its very harsh for someone in my situation. you clearly dont get the point. i donated and lost everything in a month?. how do you explain this??


i would like your response on this please.


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