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Guys yesterday I was doing tts quest for about 5-6 hours. First 3-4 hours were pretty good and I was getting recepts a good amount of times. But then I stopped getting recepts. I'm not joking I got 20th haste potion in a row. 20 times i run and 0 recepts im not joking guys. Is this some bot prevention because I was doing it for long time or what? I've never seen someone get only haste potions and adena for 20times in a row. Please tell me if that was bugged or something or some bot prevention. Also does premium account increase quest chance to get recepts or no?

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1 час назад, V0RTEX сказал:

Guys yesterday I was doing tts quest for about 5-6 hours. First 3-4 hours were pretty good and I was getting recepts a good amount of times. But then I stopped getting recepts. I'm not joking I got 20th haste potion in a row. 20 times i run and 0 recepts im not joking guys. Is this some bot prevention because I was doing it for long time or what? I've never seen someone get only haste potions and adena for 20times in a row. Please tell me if that was bugged or something or some bot prevention. Also does premium account increase quest chance to get recepts or no?


These are not errors, you are probably just got unlucky.

p.s. Premium account does not affect on quest reward chance.


image.png.eaf032cdd89371d1d757d3f331cff17d.png dream_derp

Telegram-icon.png  @dream_derp



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