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Is there any chance of having new rules against bots?

It's tiring to compete against them, and it's tiring to report every time and they appear in the same place after a few days, Does it need harsher punishment or does no one else care???

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This only worries the players, but not the administration) the administration on this project, in principle, doesn’t care much about anything. And unfortunately, they are not able to listen to a reasoned position.

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You give a punishment of a few hours, the person goes there and collects everything and creates a new one, so the punishment is renewed, so rarely does a person get eternal punishment

It's no wonder that there's a new report every time and it stays in this vicious cycle, you want an online bot, build an autofarm as I have said several times 


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2 horas atrás, dream_Derp disse:

The punishments become more severe each time, even to the point of eternal punishment.

there could be eternal punishment the first time, no chance for the person to collect all the items to create another bot, person wants to remove the ban account, just charge money or col. 

or continue like this, no one is excited to start on the main server because there are only bots and only people who are already on the main server remain until they die

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