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Clan Forsaken


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Hello Everyone, We are Clan Forsaken and we want introduce ourselves.

More of the member clan are from GEORGIA but we have pleasure to invite You yes yes YOU! in our clan ... :ph34r: we are  inviting people with party members and  also off members 

Our International clan have 10 years gameplay practice , Clan have all of clan skills , 7 lvl and now we are 30(+) members, more of night gamer . 

Clan Leader: OopsImComminG

Leader Right Hand: DirtyGrizzly 

FaceBook: Forsaken Portal

TeamSpeak: ts.ines.club  


If you are interesting to play with us , first you can check out our videos Clan Forsaken Video Channel

P.S. PM us on Game or here thanks 


With all of kind regards    OopsImComminG


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