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1st Problem GM help


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Hello Everyone ,  1st problem in server is lag and bot so i want, like everyone , wee need answers if GMs have resolve problems

1. the server is just perfect , really awesome , so many people, balance and everything what you want, this is a reason why other fu$#% as^%$holls are dossing

2. the server rules is no bots i sow the la2dream guard , but there is wolkers maybe IN Game  wolker , and also GM if you will need help from us we are here! we can thake screenshots

3. thanks <3 

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25 минут назад, OopsImComminG сказал:

2. the server rules is no bots i sow the la2dream guard , but there is wolkers maybe IN Game  wolker , and also GM if you will need help from us we are here! we can thake screenshots

if u find bots - write in forum or ingame "[Moderator]

Have a good day.

image.png.eaf032cdd89371d1d757d3f331cff17d.png dream_derp

Telegram-icon.png  @dream_derp



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