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RECRUIT / НАБОР iNsanity Recruiment[CLOSED]


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ÎÏοÏέλεÏμα εικÏÎ½Î±Ï Î³Î¹Î± insanity logo

Our Crest:AXCgqO9.png

Clan currently LEVEL:5

Hello,welcome to our application format to join our group.

You must complete the format bellow,if you get accept you name will be noticed to ACCEPTED.

If you get DENIED,you can re-apply in 2 weeks.

This clan is from Greece,We using Discord application to talk together,to play together,to have a better teamwork.

Our goal is to became all of us as much we can geared to face enemies,siege,raidboss,etc.


1.We play together.

2.We dont insulting/provoking anyone.

3.You must respect all the players in-game.

4.We dont pk newbies.

5.Dont ask for adena etc. You will get your reward once we finish our farm.

6.We wont have racist players in our clan also our recruiment is prefer all countries who can speak English.


(You must copy the format and complete it)

1.Your in-game name:


3.Country(you must add ur time zone GMT+/-):

4.How many years do you play Lineage 2?

5.Your main class?:

6.How many hours daily you able to play?:

7.Why should we accept you?(write +20):

8.Do you have discord?(yes/no):

9.Do you accept our rules also follow them?(yes/no):

10.Rate your English(0/10):


ACCEPTED:(Your name will be noticed here and you must contact me in-game LikeSmokeWeeD)



DENIED:(Try again after 2 weeks)




In next 3-Days our first accepted people will be noticed.

Avoid to write comments like "Good Luck".

Our Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/UHyYzZu

Edited by LikeSmokeWeeD

ÎÏοÏέλεÏμα εικÏÎ½Î±Ï Î³Î¹Î± insanity logo

"If you want to be strong learn to fight alone"


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