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Make pvp great again


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I suggest the removal of day of doom and the reduction of flames of invincibility's duration from 30 sec to 7 or adding a debuff to it that persist through death making you unable to receive it again for a certain period of time.
As it currently stands epics are decided solely by luck of the draw in an endless cycle of FoI and day of doom, one group kills the other thanks to those two skills and then dies to the same two skills by another group and the cycle continues like this untill epics respawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Id like to add few more things which combined can make pvp feel like pvp again, please read the whole thing.

Warlord has always been a powerful mass pvp class however,  it was powerful for a reason.Not everyone was willing to struggle with warlord and thats why the benefits of the class were so huge on mass pvp, but this is high rate server and to make warlord takes you 15 minutes, yet the rewards for playing it are all the same.
It makes no sense that a person who has invested for example 500 col in his char to have less impact than a warlord who has invested 15 min and 1 col.
My suggestion is to greatly nerf the stun chance and normalize it via skill enchantment, so it requires investment before the char can have the same impact.
For example if the current chance is 30% you could lower it to 10% and have it back to 30% when the skills are enchanted to +15.Another way to nerf them is to make their stuns have static cd uneffected by haste/buffs.

This goes for Overlords as well, my suggestion would be to have their skills cd on full buff reduced to what it would be without buffs, their seals/cp spam to not be affected by casting speed or magic cd reduction. If this change is applied it would be normal to consider making cleanse skill cd higher, but not higher than 5 sec.
Or perhaps lower their land rate and have it normalized when they enchant their skills, altho this will impact their olympiad but then again it only makes sense if u are winning all your matches to have skills that are above +15, either way there must be some investment made in the class before it becomes so powerful.
Decreasing FoI duration to 8 sec or adding debuff that persist thru death and makes it impossible to receive FoI again for 15 or more minutes.

Day of Doom is another skill that needs nerfing, the duration is too long for this kind of server, reducing the duration to 30 sec would work well.

Increasing the cooldown of mana potion or reducing the amount it gives would also be a nice addition.

Decrease healing by restore life skill on EPIC raid bosses only, make it  5-10%.

Increase res/mass res cooldown to static 8 sec single res and 1 minute mass res.
Reduce the time for accepting res to no more than 2 minutes, its currently 5 ? im not sure of this.


Edited by linkoz
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